CGQ T-Shirts: Now 50% More Affordable!

I made shirts available a couple of months back, but they were being sold through RedBubble and I had to charge about $30 shipped for them just to cover costs.  The same shirts (still high-quality American Apparel) are now being sold through Amazon, cost $20 shipped, and your purchase will now help support Classic Gaming … Read more

Retro Gamer #149 makes it out for Boxing Day!

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   Of course, we don’t actually celebrate Boxing Day here in the U.S., but I couldn’t think of anything better for the title of this … Read more

Retro Gamer #148 is out today!

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   My local mag-monger calls me every month when Retro Gamer comes in, and today I actually made it in same-day to collect it!  So … Read more

Retro Gamer #147 Comes to America!

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   OK, it actually hit last week but I was sick so I couldn’t go pick it up.  What have they got cooking this issue? … Read more

RetroBlast: A 90’s Gaming Retrospective

My good friend Anthony just launched a new podcast last week. “RetroBlast: A 90’s Gaming Retrospective” is a chronological look back at his entire gaming history, starting with the beginning of the 16-bit generation. Anthony’s perspective is uncommon in the new age of content media creation, in that he’s in his mid-40’s, and was therefore … Read more

Retro Gamer #146 Esta Aqui…

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   This month we’re getting some culture up in this B’ by going bilingual.  Hopefully that doesn’t make people who see it in Google search … Read more

Retro Gamer 144 Hits North American Shores

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   The latest issue of Retro Gamer (#144) hit news stands here in the United States this week. Features of interest to North American gamers … Read more

I’ve waited 28 years…

This just arrived in the CGQ offices this week.  An s-video modded Sega Master System with a Master Everdrive.  I can’t really remember the last time I was this excited about a new arrival.  Maybe when I got my Neo-Geo?  Maybe not even then… If my memory serves me (and it often doesn’t at my … Read more

Support Your Local Homebrewer

We got a new arrival today at the CGQ offices. I bought the digital version of Atlantean when it was released (to play on my Everdrive), but couldn’t resist having a physical copy. Atlantean is a pretty neat game. Think Defender (Arcade) meets SeaQuest (Atari 2600). Really nice graphics, and great music. This is the … Read more

Retro Gamer #143 is out in the US

Every month, we give you a spoiler-free run-down of what’s in the current (for the United States) issue of Retro Gamer magazine, letting you decide whether or not it’s worth buying.   The new issue of Retro Gamer hit newsstands in the US this week.  Issue 143 is full of awesome, including a 10-page spread on … Read more