Spider Fighter

Sometimes I don’t understand where designers came up with their game ideas back in the classic era. In Spider Fighter you are charged with protecting your fruit orchard from legions of spiders who steal your fruit, which you do by shooting at them with a “bug blaster”. The bugs attack in waves. Each wave begins … Read more

River Raid

The mother of all vertically-scrolling shoot-em-ups! In River Raid, you control a fighter jet flying at low altitude over a river, shooting tanker ships, helicopters, and other planes while keeping a close eye on your fuel level. Not only can your plane move from side to side, but you can also speed up and slow … Read more


In general, bowling is not a game that translates well into the world of video games. I would guess that most gamers could count the number of entertaining bowling games across all platforms on one hand. It is therefore surprising, especially considering the fact that most sports games on the Atari VCS are horrible, that … Read more